We made painting fem.

We made painting fem.

A national home center wanted to become the place where women buy paint. A major paint manufacturer wanted to help.

Partnering with both the paint manufacturer and the home center, we introduced a new paint in a new way. We imagined splendidly inspirational media throughout the customer experience. Visualizing elegant decorating ideas within emotionally powerful themes, we created a brand women loved, including a stunning, award-winning color selection display at the point of purchase.

We made data big.

We made data big.

Can anyone make sense of an ocean of business data? Ahoy, Mate. Our client can navigate those treacherous waters.

With an army of statistical geniuses and software experts, our southeastern US client let us develop a global marketing plan to establish their surpassing credibility in business analytics.  We were their navigator on a voyage to new opportunities.

We made protection surge.

We made protection surge.

When an electric utility behaves as if they care, it can come as quite a shock. Our client wanted to build their brand by offering the best in surge protection--much needed in lightening-plagued Florida.

Our direct mail campaign for this energy company was so competitive and customer-focused, it blew a few transformers.  The program surpassed even optimistic projections of customer response. Kaboom!